Calm Paws

Your dog just got spayed or neutered. After the drugs wear off, it’s not uncommon for your pup to return to an energy level 10/10. With tugging, running and doggie daycare activities all off the table, what is a pet parent to do when the vet says to keep your dog on restricted activity for 14 days?! Try these activities to keep your dog safe and your own sanity intact.

Introduce New Chew Toys

Elk antlers, buffalo horns and marrow bones are all natural, long lasting choices you dog will enjoy during their down-time. Chewing calms dogs and is a natural stress reliever, plus these aforementioned items won’t bounce all over the floor, like a rubber toy. 

Don’t forget to rotate toys! Because, just like kids, dogs will grow bored of the same toys day in and out.

Provide Mental Enrichment

Teach your dog to use a more challenging food puzzle by Outward Hound. The challenge will keep your dog’s brain busy and get them tired. 

Try a very slow meandering sniffy walk where your pup chooses the path, taking as much time as they like to smell hydrants, lamp posts, cars, and grass.  Remember, this is no time to get steps in together or cover large distances.

Increase Duration

Make the most of the doctor ordered down time to work on “down-stay” or “place”.  If you pup breaks the down and follows the second you turn your back, or your dog is incapable of holding down for a minute or longer, this exercise is for you. 

Reward your dog generously for maintaining a stay on their bed. With enough practice, eventually, your dog will voluntarily go to their bed and lay down because they have learned treats come when doing so. Further, practicing "down-stay" or “place” makes taking your dog to restaurants where they are expected to lay down and stay, both feasible and enjoyable.

Practice Husbandry Exercises

Your vet and your groomer will really appreciate you for teaching your dog to be calm during visits. Get your pet comfortable with paw, ear, tail and mouth touching.  Teach your dog to do a chin rest for even more love from the pet care professionals. Gentle massage not only provides relaxation but it’s a great way to exchange oxytocin, the love hormone.

Teach Your Dog to Play Dead

Bang, bang! The dog lies down, then lays really still. Train paws out to the side to start, graduate to paws up in the air only once your dog is healed up. I recommend starting this on the bed or a very soft surface.  This activity is a home run because you reinforce a calm, lying down position and your dog learns a super cool party trick!

Relax, You Got This

Keeping your dog calm during their period of restricted movement is not only doable but it can also be fun and rewarding. Remember to keep training sessions short and use high value treats to encourage the calm.  Mental exercise is an essential key to keeping your pet happy and it is just what this trainer ordered.  

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Brooke Greenberg

Brooke Greenberg, owner of Mind Body Paws is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA).  Brooke empowers guardians to truly understand their dog.  Utilizing modern and ethical dog training methods, Brooke is revolutionizing the way we connect with our pets.

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